5 May 2024

Es so far and QRPP 8m WSPR

There have been Es openings in Europe on 10m and 6m, but nothing yet to suggest my 10mW ERP 8m WSPR would be copied. This is the power that anyone may use licence free with ISM rules in the UK as long as IR2030 is met.

I still have to replace my 8m dipole. I shall probably do this the week after this. Hopefully someone during this Es season will get my 10mW ERP WSPR on 40.680 MHz USB dial. My reluctance is ladder work as I get giddy up ladders!  

There are two factors working against me - the low power and too few 8m monitors. Results on 10m suggest 10mW should be enough, but 8m suffers from too few monitors. However, I remain hopeful. 

Es is usually good during May, June and July. In my experience the season goes on during July, August and September, but it is on the wane by August.

6m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

My 2.5W FT8 to the V2000 vertical omni antenna was turned on at about 0915z. So far, just one local spot.

UPDATE 0950z:  9 spots of me.

UPDATE 1823z:
  22 spots of my QRP with the furthermost SE3X (1447km) in northern Sweden.

10m 10mW WSPR (Sunday)

EA8BFK (2880km) has spotted me multiple times (F2?).  At 500uW this would probably not have been possible.

UPDATE 1922z:  So far, just EA8BFK has spotted my 10m 10mW WSPR over 100 times!! This looks like single hop F2. I was surprised nobody else spotted me. Perhaps his noise floor is exceptionally low.

Wicken Fen - NOT amateur radio

 The photo shows the old wind pump at Wicken Fen. It is often thought of as a windmill although it is a pump not a mill.

Still no swifts - NOT amateur radio

On Saturday, we went to Wicken Fen. Although we saw swallows, we saw no swifts. The odd straggler may have arrived, but most have not. Once they arrive they will be quite common.

630m QRP WSPR overnight

 Not a bad session overnight. No great DX spots of me and I continue to be really disappointed by how few people there are on TX in the UK. For now I am staying with 630m QRP WSPR.

Sunspots - Sunday May 5th

 Solar flux is 167 was and the SSN 136. A=6 and K=1.

Homebase 10 antenna

This is on my website and was in Practical Wireless some years ago. With 10m in great shape at the moment you may want to make one.

The photo shows a dual band version for 10m and 6m.

Discovery TX-500

This product looks an ideal radio for SOTA and POTA operation being weatherproof and well featured. It is available from MLS at £1195.  I am unsure where it is made. It is a 10W SDR transceiver covering HF and 6m.

The product looks solid yet very thin. It looks like a military product in many ways.

For details see https://lab599.com/

4 May 2024

Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, Ohio, USA

This takes place in a few weeks. It is probably the biggest ham gathering on the planet. 

It is often the place where new products are announced, even before the product is ready!  Why? The USA is probably the biggest market in the world.

One can imagine the pressures on the design teams!  You can almost hear the bosses at ICOM and Yaesu saying, "we MUST have a demo product in time for Dayton". The fallback is a non-working model under a screen so punters can only look. I just wonder if there will be any new products announced this year? There was little announced by the big Japanese manufacturers last year.